Market Strategy
Knowing your business, understanding your customers’ needs and having done an accurate and up-to-date analysis of your competition, you need to establish a market strategy plan on how to move ahead. You need to define which steps to take to ensure a sustainable and competitive development of your business. Whether it is about optimising processes, defining clear roles, identifying and sizing a market opportunity, redefining your product offering or entering a new category, it always involves making choices and defining clear priorities.
With experience in driving market strategies for various product categories, we will lead you through that exercise and help you creating a tangible roadmap: Which products should you sell in which markets for which consumer and at which price? And how will you communicate all that in a relevant manner? We will also advise you on how to build a product pipeline based on the right input.

Our Market Strategy Services
We help you getting a clear up-to-date picture of the competitive landscape, an understanding of the industry dynamics and influencing factors on your business development. This knowledge will support you in making the necessary choices and set priorities going forwards (e.g. where you should be, remain, exit or move to).
Fast changing trends, customer and retail globalisation, online stores, easier access to product information, newcomers on the market, are all examples of factors that impact your business. So how can you keep your customers or attract new ones in such a challenging environment?
Based on the accurate market analysis and understanding of direct and indirect competition, we help you defining the best way to improve your competitiveness with relevant product offer. With our experience, methodology and tools, we formulate or adjust your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) to make you stand out from the crowd with a product communication that reflects your uniqueness.
Your product/service has been developed based on identified consumers insights and market opportunities and you have defined a key distinctive benefit that reflects those insights (USP).
Those are all prerequisites for defining the right market entrance with appropriate communication and price range of your product offer. We will help you translate your USP into right product communication and market positioning with global scope and, if necessary, local adjustments.
Sustainable growth of a business is a lot about making choices, prioritising and revisiting your offering. Often one has those “annoying” low margin/low volumes products in a portfolio, just because they have always been there and a handful of customers might sometimes ask for them. But des that really make sense?
We help you revitalise your product portfolio, focusing on the profitable products and taking out products which do not have business sense or are not truly in line with your market strategy.
For more information, please contact: Sandrine Vriesman, tel: +34 630 98 30 61.